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Say Pan’s Project

Say Pan's Project

Say Pan and her growing family spent 20 years in a refugee camp in Myanmar before arriving in the United States and her incredible story of survival and generosity even in the most difficult circumstances is deeply inspiring. What a privilege to serve – right with Say Pan and her family! – this weekend as our volunteer team transformed the outside of her home. She had done a tremendous amount of work before we even arrived – and her grit and energy were as impressive as the amazing home-cooked meal she somehow simultaneously prepared and presented us at the end of the day. The house is bursting with her gaggle of children – as well as her extended family (including a family member due with twins in a couple of weeks). She is exactly the kind of recipient that Fuller hopes to partner with and we hope to be able to assist with more projects to improve the functionality and safety of her home soon. She is working hard at her full-time job – and is obviously truly a hard worker! – to transition her family out of poverty and improve the conditions of her home. And we were honored to help. If you would like to join our volunteer list to learn about upcoming projects, let us know!

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